Saturday, March 5, 2011

TECHNIQUE: Changes in composition when using a zoom lens.

In this post, I want to demonstrate the dramatic differences in composition that can be achieved when using a zoom lens. As you can see, you can use this technique to create very different feels for an image.

The lens I'm using to demonstrate this is a Nikon 18-200mm. To show additional changes to the effect, I have shot with the aperture both opened and closed to the max.

The subject (the sticker on the lamppost) has been framed to be more or less the same size in each of the images below but the differences in the backgrounds are huge.

The SHORTER the focal length = LOOSE / WIDE view of the background.

The LONGER focal length (note the subject is still the same size) = TIGHT / NARROW view of the background.

There is no better or worse version, they are just different effects. Can you think of some compositions that would work better shot at a short focal length? Which better shot long? Which style would work better with portraits?

When understood, this is another technique that can be applied and controlled to help create the desired feeling. One 'style' will probably work better with one subject and location than another. Experiment!

Simon @ theblend

- Posted using BlogPress

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